This year, the Capital city invites entrepreneurs and companies in which women are business owners to apply for a competition for the distribution of funds intended for women who want to start or develop their own business.

The competition for support to women entrepreneurship was announced on January 25 and will be opened for 45 days and is aimed at women entrepreneurs and companies in which women are business owners, i.e. the founder or one of the founders and the executive director, with residence, i.e. headquarters in the territory of Podgorica.

The funds provided by the budget of the Capital city  for this year in the amount of 20,000 euros are distributed for business plans which especially encourage the economic development of Podgorica, agriculture and rural areas, organic agricultural production and tourism. Also, these business plans should encourage the development of hunting and fishing and physical culture and sports, as well as to contribute to the affirmation and valorisation of cultural potential and tradition and the preservation of the environment and sustainable development.

The maximum amount of funds allocated for business plans may not exceed 25% of the total competition amount provided by the Capital city.

More information available at