Institute for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development is implementing the project ‘Support for the transition to the online economy for women entrepreneurs and less developed businesses’ with the support of the United Nations Development Program UNDP with the aim of providing women in business education in online business and online business.

This project is a continuation of support to women’s entrepreneurship and was created as a form of further support to women in business due to the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to successfully overcome the challenges they face and more easily engage in online business.

During September, 4 online trainings will be organized, which will introduce women entrepreneurs to the trends of online economy and business management, as well as their application to business and the environment in Montenegro.

The trainings will help women entrepreneurs to network, share their experiences, share tips and achieve mutual cooperation for the future. Entrepreneurs will be given the opportunity to apply for a one-on-one mentoring meeting with lecturers and thus receive additional advice and guidance.

In cooperation with the lecturers, digital books (e-books) will be created as further support for women entrepreneurs.